Grants & Scholarships

We're excited to give back to our community! Thanks to generous donors and successful fundraising, we can offer grants and scholarships to support education. It's our community's combined effort that enables us to keep supporting schools for today's students.

A note from the Hilton Alumni Association President:

Much of our work centers on grant requests. When we began this organization, we were clear that we wanted to benefit as many students as possible which is why we fund classroom grants as well as scholarships. Since our beginning in 2022, we have awarded $15,000 in grants to the district for a variety of activities and trainings. The classroom grants reach far more students than one scholarship can, and the grants are not dependent on a student’s GPA.

In the 2022-23 school year we funded over $9,000 in classroom grants including, but not limited to, the new High School Mural and Sources of Strength training. So far in the 2023-24 school year, we have funded over $5,000 in grants for such things as a field trip to the Memorial Art Gallery for the Advanced High School Art Class to have a special class with a museum docent, supplementing the fundraising for the 8 th Grade Washington, DC trip, a special activity for those students who have received character awards in Physical Education and a pending activity that will include the community and the school.

These grants allow us to fulfill our mission of connecting alumni, educators and the community for the benefit of today’s students. We cannot emphasize enough how important these grants are to us and to the students.